
What HubGem do to Promote Wellbeing

Discover how HubGem prioritises employee wellbeing in the workplace with initiatives like Headspace subscriptions, wellbeing check-ins, and Wellness Wednesdays.


It's often easy to underestimate the significance of prioritising your wellbeing, especially when it comes to the workplace. At HubGem, they go above and beyond to promote and support the wellbeing of the team, whilst also providing an exceptional working environment for us to thrive in.

Let's dive into some key initiatives that are definitely worth mentioning!

1. Headspace  

As part of the incredible benefits offered by HubGem, we are fortunate to have access to a Headspace subscription. This amazing resource provides us with guided meditation sessions, helpful breathing techniques, and valuable wellbeing tips and tricks. It's a fantastic tool that helps us maintain a state of calmness, relaxation, and happiness in both our personal and professional lives.

Headspace also hosts monthly webinars that we are encouraged to participate in, even if it means taking time away from our busy workday! Many team members take advantage of this opportunity to dive into their mindset and improve their techniques.

2. Wellbeing Check-ins 

Every three months, we have the chance to participate in a wellness check-in with our HR & Culture Manager. They provide us with a wellbeing questionnaire to fill out, allowing us to express our thoughts and emotions regarding our work and personal lives. If we prefer a more personal touch, we can also schedule a call for a  face to face check-in. 

In our dedicated Wellness channel on Slack, we have a secure and supportive space to openly share how we are  feeling that week and engage in meaningful discussions with the team. It also allows us to stay connected with each other and check in on the wellbeing of our fellow team members.

Every week, we have dedicated one-on-one sessions with our line manager to reflect on our progress, discuss our current projects, and address any concerns we may have about our workload. These sessions provide us with a consistent opportunity to connect and communicate, ensuring that we have the support we need whenever necessary.

What HubGem do to Promote wellbeing


3. Wellness Wednesday 

Our Wellness Wednesdays provide us with the perfect opportunity to take a break from our usual routines and take part in an activity that prioritises our wellbeing. Each team member has their own unique way of spending this time, whether it's hitting the gym, spending quality time with loved ones, or simply indulging in a favourite book at home. It's a chance for us to do something that supports our minds and bodies, and helps us recharge for the rest of the week. 

No matter how we decide to utilise this time, we have the opportunity to create a space for ourselves and engage in activities that we may not always prioritise but are undeniably crucial for our emotional and physical wellbeing.


4. The Culture at HubGem  

The company culture at HubGem is fantastic. It thrives on creating a nurturing and empowering work environment that is essential for a highly productive and content team. The focus on culture creates a psychologically safe environment, empowering  team members to bring their whole selves to work and feel fully supported in doing so.

In addition, collaborating with individuals who share the same passion, creativity, and ambition provides an exceptional support network. I have complete confidence that any member of our team will offer the assistance and support I need without any judgment.

5. HubGem's Bi-monthly Fitness Challenge 

HubGem keeps the team engaged and active with their exciting bi-monthly fitness challenges. During these challenges, each team member has the opportunity to participate, whether it's running the longest distance or tracking the most workout time. These challenges not only bring us together as a team but also provide a fun and positive way to stay active. The winner of each challenge is always announced and praised, sometimes even earning a prize! It's a fantastic way to boost our fitness efforts and helps to connect as a team! 


Wellness at Work - Leah's 3 Top Tips 


Take regular screen breaks

Remember, your wellbeing is just as important as your work. By taking regular screen breaks, you not only prioritise your physical and mental health but also enhance your overall performance. So, make it a habit to step away from your screen, give your eyes a break, and rejuvenate your mind. Your body and mind will thank you for it!

Surrounding yourself with positive people

Surrounding yourself with positive people is essential for maintaining a healthy and supportive work environment. At HubGem, we are fortunate to be part of a team that embodies positivity and uplifts one another every day.

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Ask for help when you need it

As part of the supportive and nurturing culture at HubGem, asking for help when you need it is not only encouraged but it's also seen as a strength. We understand that everyone faces challenges and obstacles at some point, and we firmly believe that seeking assistance is a sign of self-awareness and growth.

So, remember, don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it. At HubGem, we believe that together, we can overcome any challenge and achieve greatness.

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Leah is a recent Creative Music Technology Graduate from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and a Marketing & CRM Executive here at HubGem. During her studies Leah developed her passion for all things business, including helping them grow and develop. Leah has experience in client facing roles as well as customer service and is enthusiastic about building her skillset within the Marketing & CRM world. In her free time Leah enjoys long walks along the beaches where she lives, socialising with friends and family and of course making music.

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